Astrological Self Discovery Therapy Counseling

Astrological self-discovery sessions are a client led, therapeutic experience.  These sessions can be booked as one-offs, though I also offer them as ongoing weekly or bi-weekly sessions.  In our 50 minute session, I invite you to bring in your story and together we can use the wisdom and symbolism of the stars to make sense of your journey.  Astrology can bestow a greater sense of meaning and purpose, that we are here for a reason and that life is not so random or chaotic.  These sessions can act as a tool to affirm the path you are on, to remind you of your strengths and also to gain deeper insight into your struggles.  We may explore the ways in which your childhood and past experiences shape your present day patterns and relationships.  Through exploring unconscious thoughts, feelings and beliefs, we can gain greater understanding of your day-to-day experience which can result in greater self-awareness and agency.  At times, we may also engage the body to awaken and connect to your core emotional self. 

  • Astrological self-discovery sessions are client led. I invite you to bring in whatever is on your mind so that together, we may make sense of your story through the symbolic language of astrology. Unlike with my regular readings, I will not perform an in depth study of your chart in advance, but rather, allow it to unfold as I get to know you. In this way, you may speak your truth and I will use the stars to act as a mirror, affirming you in your true and authentic nature.

  • Unlike my regular readings, astrological self-discovery sessions are not recorded. They are meant to be spontaneous, fluid and interactive. Do feel free to jot down notes if there is anything you wish to capture.

  • In astrological self-discovery, my focus is on your natal chart which captures your personality, traits and patterns. I will not use our time to make predictions, because I simply can’t know what will happen, but I can support you in better understanding the energy that is coming up for you which can empower you to make the best choices for yourself. My goal is to support you in accepting the uncertainty inherent in the human experience while learning to trust yourself and the universe.

  • It is helpful to have a basic knowledge of signs, planets and houses, though by no means is it required. It can be helpful to have an introductory astrology book on hand, my first book was “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need” by Joanna Martine Woolfolk. If you have the interest and capacity to engage using symbolic language, then astrological self-discovery may be enjoyable for you. Although we will not be engaging in a teaching relationship, you may learn more about astrology and about your own chart through our work together.

  • Astrological self-discovery can be an excellent tool for those who want to discover meaning in life, gain new perspective on difficult situations and reflect on what can be learned from the past and present. Those going through life transitions may find it helpful and affirming to see their strengths and areas of growth mirrored through astrological symbolism.

    This format may not be appropriate if you are experiencing severe mental health issues, suicidality, coping with abuse or have undergone recent trauma within the past 6-8 months. If this is the case, I would encourage you to consult a licensed mental health professional and I look forward to working with you when you’re a little further along on your healing journey.

  • For clients who would like to meet regularly on a weekly or biweekly basis, I am happy to find a time that works for both of us. Please email me to make arrangements:

  • Intake forms must be filled out when booking your initial session. Please have your birth date, place and time handy to complete the form. Payment is required in order to reserve your appointment.

    Please contact me by email should you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment: I accept both cancellations with full refund as well as requests to reschedule with 24 hours notice. If less than 24hrs notice is given, I charge a 50% re-booking fee.


$135 CAD

Subsequent Appointment

$135 CAD

Initial Appointment