
“What a wonderful experience we had! Thank you for your time and being so kind and thorough. None of us knew what to expect, I was a bit nervous in the beginning but quickly felt at ease. I can't believe how accurate the reading was for all of us. So grateful to have met you, can't thank you enough for making my birthday a memorable one, definitely one for the books!”

— M. D., Toronto

“My session with Jennifer was truly eye-opening! She was extremely thorough with her approach in revealing information and helped me to connect the dots with my personality and how things are unfolding in my life. I would recommend her services to anyone who is seeking guidance and understanding of their life. I found it incredibly interesting and I am curious to learn more about astrology and how it affects me! I’m sure I will be back to see her again! Thanks Jenn.”

— Cassandra

“Jennifer was really great to work with! She spent a great deal of time with me, listened, thoroughly explained my chart, then tied it all together. Very informative, insightful, interesting and fun! Thanks, Jennifer!”

— M.M., Toronto

“I’m a staunch rationalist and empiricist. I never took astrology seriously- Ancient BS at best. With that being said, Jen’s readings were eerily accurate… more than I care to admit. Perhaps there is something to this after all.”

— Anonymous, Toronto

“When I contacted Jennifer for an astrology reading I was curious about the experience but a bit apprehensive about sharing so much personal information and being recorded. Jennifer was incredibly professional, provided a confidentiality agreement and assured me that the recording was optional. When she came over, we got into the material slowly and I felt a lot more comfortable opening up than I thought I would. The conversation was engaging and stimulating and an experience I would recommend to others who are curious about exploring themselves in greater depth through the use of astrology.”

— Anonymous, Toronto

“I received my first ever reading from Jennifer – she was thorough, kind, and respectful. I didn’t know what to expect, but came out of the experience glad that I’d done it. She gave me great insight into myself, and my future. I will contact her again for future readings, and would recommend her to anyone.”

— Anonymous, Toronto

“I feel very happy with my reading because it provided a space to learn, think/reflect and to express myself! I really appreciated having a conversation and covering many aspects of life (including love, which was a request of mine). I’ve already recommended Jenn to a friend, and can’t wait to use my notes to discover more about astrology and about my own chart! Thank you for the experience.”

— Anonymous, Toronto

“I have recently had Jennifer do my reading. It was the first time that I had ever done anything of this kind. Needless to say I was a bit apprehensive about how the whole session would progress.
I am quite happy to say that it was a most enlightening experience. Jennifer was knowledgeable but not overbearing or pretentious. She listened attentively, augmented and clarified what she saw and how she thought it may relate to what was going on (or went on) in my life. It was interesting getting an outside view of things.
It was also really interesting hearing about some of the things that had been “forgotten”, the memories that were triggered and to postulate about what they meant at this time.
It was also really great that there was info that could be taken away and looked at in a more leisurely fashion.
Overall, it was a pretty awesome experience.”

— AC, Toronto